Using Flippity to Explore Web 2.0 Apps

We used Flippity, a free google add on, at our last KETS meeting to explore various ideas and Web 2.0 apps that we had seen at the last MACUL 2018 Conference. Flippity is a "a series of web apps that can easily turn a google spreadsheet into a set of online Flashcards or Quiz Show." (Flippity Add On). The app was repurposed in our exercise as follows:
  1. All of us entered an idea/app/technology that we saw at the conference using the shared Google Sheet that was connected to the Flippity Tournament Bracket. This populated the brackets in the first column on either side of the flow chart.
  2. Then we met in groups to select one app over the other. After discussing the affordances/constraints of each app, an app was selected to advance to the next round of discussions. 
  3. Participants were reconsolidated into larger groups to further narrow down the selection of the apps that were recommended for the next round of discussions. We did this until only two apps remained. Then we discussed the two apps as one group to identify the app that we felt was most effective for teaching/learning. The result of our discussions is shown in the picture below:

This jigsaw type learning activity not only engaged all of us to explore the apps, it forced us to think critically about each app (because we were tasked to defend one app over the other). We learned from each other. The role of the teacher in this activity is that of a facilitator or even a participant in the learning process. It literally "flipped" the teaching process! The end product can be used as a resource to go back and further explore each app and as a reflective tool to "replay" the discussions we had. The use of Flippity redefined teaching and learning (SAMR Model). What other ways can you use Flippity in your classroom?
