Data Driven School Leadership Model

Today's principals are increasingly being called to assume Data Driven School Leadership (DDSL). Here's a DDSL Model proposed by Jingping, Johnson, & Przybylski (2016, p104):

1. Data-Based Goal Setting
  1. Looking at multiple data sources and longitudinal data, and analyzing them from various angles to identify coordinated, tiered, long-term, and short-term goals
  2. Fostering a whole-school systematic approach to the goal achievement process
  3. Determining staff's development needs and developing teachers' instructional capacities by using data
2. Developing Teachers' Decisional Capacity
  1. Modelling of data use
  2. Providing individual support for data use, especially through individual conferencing
3. Building a Data-Wise Culture in Schools
  1. Fostering collaborative knowledge construction and instructional strategy sharing
  2. Building trust to foster teachers' use of data
4. Improving Instruction Based on Data
  1. Identifying, through regular classroom observation, and promoting teaching practices that work
  2. Evaluating and monitoring program and instruction effectiveness
Are you doing any of the above at your school? Use this DDSL Self-Assessment to identify the gaps in your Data Driven School Leadership!


Jingping, S., Johnson, B., & Przybylski, R. (2016). Leading with data: An increasingly important
            feature of school leadership. International Studies In Educational Administration
            (Commonwealth Council For Educational Administration & Management (CCEAM)),
            44(3), 93-128.
